Student Resources
Student Resources

Materials from Other Libraries
Looking for an item not available at Cedarville? You can use OhioLINK, SearchOhio, and ILL to request resources.

Student Employment Opportunities
Interested in working at the library? Learn more about the positions available and how to apply.

Computers / Printers / Scanners
Computers are available in the upper level of the library and dual-monitor computers are available in the MediaPLEX on the lower level. Scanners and printers are also available on upper and lower levels. Color Printing available in the MediaPLEX. A CedarPrint station is located on the upper level.

Research Lockers
Application and information for the research lockers located on the lower level of the library.

New Library Materials
A list of all New Materials available at the library each month.

Library Careers Program
Information on the library careers program including library internship, career exploration, library careers dinner, and more!

Remote Access Info
To access resources off-campus use your Cedarville login information when prompted.